Update 23.04.20 Reminder - Memos and Activities are currently only accessible from the browser version of Tapestry and relatives will need to log in to their accounts on www.tapestryjournal.com from their desktop computers, tablets or phones to view these. Thank you.
Updates 13.07.20
Maths Summer Term Week 11 - White Rose Maths is linked to the story of The Dinosaur that Pooped a Planet by Tom Fletcher. Please find a link to the story below. This is also available on Tapestry in the Memos section.
Transition to Year 1
New Topic
Weeks Beginning 6th July - 13th July
Hi Ladybirds, Parents and Carers
We can't believe that this is your last week in Ladybirds and you will soon be moving into Year 1. We have had a bit of a funny year haven't we, not being able to come to school for part of it, but we are all super proud of how much you have learnt and how sensible and brave you have been over the past few months.
This Summer might be a bit different to our normal Summer holidays, but we are still going to be able to have lots of fun, so we thought it would be a lovely idea to think about Summer and plan some lovely things to do with our families over the school holidays. We are also going to be thinking about our year as Ladybirds and how we feel about moving into Year 1.
Planned activities have been posted on Tapestry in the planned activities section with Nearpod codes to match the lessons. These are available on this page a little further down, along with activities and links for previous weeks.. Mrs. Mann will be in our Keyworker Ladybird bubble on Monday - Wednesday and Mrs, Ball will be in Thursday - Friday. Our second Ladybird Bubbleo will be working with Mr. Mulhall all week with the exception of Wednesday when Mrs. Ball will be popping in to say Hello! If you are staying at home, you can join in with all the activities we are doing in school by following our activities on Tapestry and Nearpod.
Below are some links to websites that are great for additional activities and learning and the provision overview has also been attached as a link.. These are also available on the Memo section on Tapestry. We have used some of these provision activities at the end of each activity session as a guide for any parents on how to further link children's learning. There have also been some additional tasks allocated to the children on Purple Mash. If there are any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to get in touch.
All previous learning activities will remain on the Ladybird's Home Learning page on the website, Tapestry and Nearpod, so please don't worry if you would like more time to do these activities, we understand everyone is working in different circumstances and accessing activities when able to. We really don't want parents feeling pressured to complete everything we are uploading, all activities are optional. As always, our priority is the health and well-being of our Ladybird children and their families.
I hope you enjoy our new topic Ladybirds. Let's have a great last week together.
Stay Safe,
Ladybirds Team
Nearpod Lesson Codes:
Activity 1: Summer - GIDWM
Activity 2: What do we see in Summer? - IZLQR
Activity 3: Keeping Safe in the Sun - XDOFP
Activity 4: Tilly’s At Home Holiday - PLNYM
Activity 5: Let’s Go On A Walk - LNRAX
Activity 6: My Summer Bucket List - MVXFK
Links and Resources for Summer Activities
Activity 3 - Be Sun Smart Poster
Small World Rock Pool Idea
Reading Den Idea
Shadow Drawing Activity
Links to Useful Websites
Parents and Carers,
This timetable is a suggested guide for how you might want to manage your day whilst Home Schooling. It mirrors a ‘usual’ day in our Ladybird class, although we promise that we don’t have an hour and a half for lunch! We think you are all doing an amazing job and you are the best judge of what your child needs both academically and pastorally to process these huge changes to their normal, everyday life. The well-being of the children is the highest priority for us, so please take time to play board games, share stories, build dens, make rainbows, bake and create many wonderful memories with your little ones. And if you all need a day off – go or it!
Take Care and Keep safe,
The Ladybird Team
Links to previous learning activities
Maths - White Rose Home Learning
06.07.20 Summer Term Week 10 - Oliver’s Vegetables
29.06.20 Summer Term Week 9 - Zog
22.06.20 Summer Term Week 8 - Princess Mira-Belle and the Dragon Pox
15.06.20 Summer Term Week 7 - The Princess and The Wizard
08.06.20 Summer Term Week 6 - The Snail and The Whale
18.05.20 Summer Term Week 5 - Superworm
11.05.20 Summer Term Week 4 - The Very Busy Spider and Aaaarrggghhhh Spider!
04.05.20 Summer Term Week 3 - The Very Hungry Caterpillar
27.04.20 Summer Term Week 2 - The Night Pirates and The Troll
20.04.20 Summer Term Week 1 - Supertato
Topics and Special Events
08.06.20 - 29.06.20 Mad About Minibeasts
Week 1 - Mad About Minibeasts! introduction, magnificent minibeast hunt and snail investigating.
Nearpod Lesson Codes
Activity 1: Mad About Minibeasts! AOZRF Activity 2: What are Minibeasts? ZRWGM
Activity 3: Magnificent Minibeast Hunt. VSLPQ Activity 4: Snails IKBLT
Links to resources for Week 1
Suggested books for shared reading.
Playdough Snail Idea
Funky Fingers Peg Leg Spider Prompt Card
Children’s interpretations of Henri Matisse ‘The Snail’.
Junk Modelling Ideas
Small World Minibeast Garden Idea
Week 2 - Spiders and Beetles.
Nearpod Lesson Codes:
Activity 5: The Very Busy Spider TYZFJ Activity 6: All About Spiders HPKIB
Activity 7: A Very Special Spider ZARDT Activity 8: Beetles UTHMC
Activity 9: The Bad-Tempered Ladybird PGVZB
Links to resources for Week 2
Lesson 9 - Ladybird Fact File Idea
The Very Busy Spider craft
Stick Web
Printing Spiders
Paper plate weaving
Sticky Web
Web weaving
Wax Resist Painting
Minibeast Action Cards
Lollipop Sticks Web
Purple Mash 2do - Minibeast Captions
Week 3 - Ants and Worms
Nearpod Lesson Codes:
Activity 10: Amazing Ants MOJYB Activity 11: The Life Cycle of an Ant CGZEX
Activity 12: Yucky Worms OPFKL Activity 13: Where do Worms Live? LNPDM
Links to Resources for Week 3
Can you make an ant out of sticks and stones?
Ant Life Cycle Craft
Playdough Worms - Can you order them?
Week 4 - Butterflies and Bees
Nearpod Lesson Codes:
Activity 14 : Caterpillars DEHSR Activity 15: The Cautious Caterpillar UMGFS
Activity 16: All About Bees CGHDR Activity 17: Why are Bees Important? MAITC
Activity 18: What can you remember about Minibeasts? GLTFD
Links to Resources for Week 4
Purple Mash 2do task - Can you label the life cycle of the butterfly?
18.05.20 - Healthy Living Week
Activity Codes for Nearpod
Activity 1: BQAOZ - What do we need to stay healthy?
Activity 2: RVBYS - Oliver’s Vegetables
Activity 3: UMCBH - Oliver’s Fruit Salad
Activity 4: GJWSX - Oliver’s Milkshake
Activity 5: RBIUV - Exercise Challenges for 1 week
Exercise Challenge links
27.04.20 - 11.05.20 Stanley’s Stick Activities and Links
‘Stanley’s Stick’ English Activity Codes for Nearpod
Activity 1: ZKXBM Activity 2: UBOAI Activity 3: STADL Activity 4: NEOUS Activity 5: OAFHQ Activity 6: HOWGS Activity 7: PHYMT Activity 8: YZPFV
08.05.20 VE Day 75th Anniversary
22.04.20 Earth Day
06.04.20 Holy Week
20.03.20 Spring Provision Activities