Pupil Voice

Eco and School Councils meet regularly. They are a group of pupils elected by their fellow classmates to represent their opinions and raise issues with the headteacher and governors in the school. Together, we make our school a better place for the future.
The Council members also lead projects on behalf of the pupils. In the past, our pupils have led Anti-Bullying Week, Children’s Mental Health Awareness Week, Recycling Campaigns, Earth Hour, Walk, Bike and Scoot to School Week and have helped improve the playground and nature area from listening and acting upon the views of the pupils.
Students remain at the heart of everything we undertake at Ladymount, therefore it is pivotal that Pupil Voice allows our young people to actively engage in decision making across our school.
Our proactive Eco-School Committee, supported by class projects , have achieved the Eco-Schools Green Flag Award with a distinction for the past 4 years, acknowledging, rewarding and celebrating the ecological achievements of our pupils. Our images showcase some our successes.
Our pupils organised Walk, Bike and Scoot to school week, for a cleaner and greener environment, and a chill-out zone in the gazebo to improve mental health and well being.
Keep an eye out on our twitter page for photos and live footage throughout the year.