Our Staff
Headteacher Miss Angela Williams
Deputy Headteacher Mrs Lindsay Smith
Senior Managers Mrs H Caulfield, Mrs C Hughes Mr M Mulhall
Foundation 2 Mrs E Mann, Miss M Thomas,
Year 1 Mrs S Bailey, Mrs H Caulfield, Mrs N Evans, Mrs T Swindlehurst
Year 2 Mrs D Crutchley, Mr M Mulhall Mrs M Potter (Maternity Cover)
Year 3 & 4 Mrs A Cook, Miss C Davies, Miss C McCombs, Mrs R Wheeler,
Year 5 & 6 Dr C Birch, Mrs C Hughes, Mr J Moore, Mrs L Smith
Teaching Assistants Ms A Bruder, Mr T Fewtrell, Mrs S Griffiths, Mrs S Higgins, Ms J Jones, Mrs S Kelly, Mrs S Manley, Mrs C Mealor, Mrs M Milligan, Miss J Peterson,
Business Manager Mrs J McKay
Office Manager Mrs K Lench,
Finance Officer Mrs A Peddie
Admin Assistants Mrs K Atherton, Mrs S Manley
Site Manager Mrs E Raitt
Cleaners Ms J Beavan,
Kitchen StaffMrs P Burgess, Mrs J Holtam,
Midday Supervisory Assistants Miss A Bruder, Mr T Fewtrell, Mrs S Griffiths, Mrs S Higgins, Ms J Jones, Miss L Jones, Ms K NJawa, Miss J Peterson
Pre-School Management Committee Mrs K Brown, Mrs L Kerr, Mrs S Manley, Mrs L Smith (the committee also includes up to 7 parent representatives)
Pre-School Leader Mrs G Potter
Deputy Leader Mrs K Jones
Assistants Mrs A Bojtler, Mrs C Corey-Jones, Mrs L Garvey, Mrs S Kerin, Mrs F Stephenson
Our Governors
Chair of Governors: Mr B Sharp (Foundation-31.8.16)
Vice Chair of Governors: Mrs M Reid (Foundation-31.8.16)
Foundation Governors: Mrs L Booth (31.8.19), Fr. Stephen Coonan,(1.9.18) Dr F Grasso,(31.8.17) Mr M Goulding,(30.9.17) Mrs L McGregor,(31.8.19) Mr P O'Neill,(31.8.16)
Parent Governors: Mr I Wheeler,(31.8.19) Dr C Whitehead (31.8.16)
Headteacher Governor: Mrs M Jackson
Staff Governors: Mrs S Manley(31.8.19), Mrs Milligan (Co-opted)(31.8.19)
Dates in brackets show when Terms of Office end
LA Appointed Governor
All Foundation Governors are appointed by the Diocese of Shrewsbury.
Parent Governors are appointed after a ballot of all parents and Staff Governors are appointed after a ballot of all staff. We currently have a vacancy for a Local Authority Governor.
Curriculum Committee Governors: Dr F Grasso (Chair), Mrs M Jackson, Mrs S Manley, Mr I Wheeler, Mrs L McGregor, Mrs L Booth, Mrs M Milligan
Resources Committee Governors: Mr M Goulding (Chair), Mrs M Jackson, Mr B Sharp, Mr C Whitehead, Mr P O'Neill, Mrs M Reid
Admission Committee Governors: Mrs S Manley (Chair), Mrs M Jackson, Fr S Coonan, Dr F Grasso
Pay and Personel Committee Governors: Mr B Sharp (Chair), Mrs M Jackson, Mrs M Reid, Mr M Goulding, Mr I Wheeler
Governor's Attendance at meetings 2015-2016
There are no interests to declare as of September 2015.